Monday, February 6, 2012

60 + 60 + 60 = Fun!

Me, Doreen and Jean
On the weekend we had such a fun time at an Anniversary/Birthday Party for our cousins (my first cousin Doreen and H's first cousin Laverne).  They served up an amazing delicious turkey and all the trimmings meal to almost 200 friends, neighbours, and relatives!  It was so much fun reminiscing those year's gone by.  Their children and in-laws performed a wonderful little program, complete with a slide show of their parent's married life on the farm, some great singing, and heartfelt speeches!  We had a wonderful time.

Doreen, myself and our cousin Jean grew up together and were born less then 3 months apart.  We were photographed when we were two or three years old and have taken pictures of the three of us many times since.

It made me pull out that original picture (just for fun).  Love those winter outfits!!!

Here we are once again................sans hats and coats.........almost 60 years later and super blessed!

Thanks for a great party Doreen and Laverne.........another memory made!

Till next time - the year of the 6-0 continues.

"For you are indeed God, and your words are truth; and you have promised me these good things' so do as you have promised! Bless me and my family forever!" 2 Samuel 7:28-29   


  1. Again Great Pics Rosella I am really enjoying your blog
    From another old Friend - this year - Theresa

    1. Thanks my dear old friend - ah yes - it's the B-I-G year indeed!

  2. You must have lovely memories of birthdays together. I'm a '52 vintage too!

  3. I love your enthusiasm for === the same as mine..cuz we love being 60! I bought the boots..because everyone wore my boots at the barn, and now I know that no one would wear pink/red paisley boots. I'm just wondering if someone needed a ____ and used my boots...YUCK!

  4. Love all these 60th birthday celebrations! '52 was a very good year. Great vintage photo too.


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