Thursday, February 2, 2012


Overlooking the Sea of Galilee where Jesus preached His Sermon on the Mount
I am thankful that
turning 6-0 has given me pause to think!
I have tried to be a positive person all my life.
Maybe too much so as I tried to please everyone around me
while not being true to myself!
I have held onto bitter regrets and feelings far too long.
I have also had many, many blessings that perhaps have
gone unrecognized as such.
It struck me some years ago
 when visiting the area where
Jesus preached that wonderful sermon on the mount,
where He gave 8 beautiful beatitudes to live by.
The promises He gave for each of these "attitudes"
gives me much hope and
I like to think of them as my personal "Be Attitudes".....

Be Poor in Spirit - stay humble
Be Mournful and Compassionate
Be Meek
Be Hungry and Thirsty for the Word
Be Merciful
Be Pure of Heart
Be a Peacemaker
Be Challenged and Persecuted for the sake of my Faith

I have added some "Rosella" ones too:

Be Positive and Happy - look on the bright side of things
Be Grateful
Be Original - speak the truth
Be Involved - help make this world a better place
Be Creative - make a crazy quilt in this lifetime
Be a Friend - treasure loved ones and stay in touch
Be Healthy and Fit - walk, go to the gym, eat right
Be Beautiful from the Inside Out - have a warm and open heart
Be a Mom and Wife
Be Clean - declutter
Be Still - stop to smell the roses
Be Lighthearted - accept those things that cannot be changed/make lemon aide
Be Generous - practice hospitality
Be On Time - avoid procrastination

Some of my favourite quotes are:
We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails.  ~Author Unknown
Bloom where you are planted ~Author Unknown

Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside ....Matthew 5:1

Till next time........workin' on my be attitudes!



  1. What a motivational's most delightful, original, creative and inspirational...As Farmer's wives, we have learned to weather many storms, and I know I have not always worn the best attitude.
    We'll just keep burning the path into the 60,s and somewhere learn to be content and say, "We've done our best."

    1. Thanks Marg - I should have added - Be Content - to that list. It's a huge good attitude to have! I just need to keep reminding myself to be O.K. with things as they are. Because they really are O.K.! I've just started reading "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. She actually lives in our area here in S.W. Ontario! What a wonderful writer! Thanks again for your encouragement.

  2. Sixty is the perfect time to write out our 'be attitudes'! And I like your version very much!

    You will enjoy Ann Voscmp's book...though it takes a long time to absorb. I'm working on reading it again.

  3. I like this very much! There's a lot there for any of us to take in and take on.

  4. I like your Rosellaites. They are good and worth a look for me too. Hugs!

  5. I wrote here last week, but it must be still kickin' around cyberspace.

    My comment was:

    Wise & beautiful ... just like you, Rosella ;-D


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