Monday, February 6, 2012

Remembering Mom's Creamed Cabbage

When we were on vacation recently we were served a shrimp dish with delicious cooked cabbage as a side.  This cabbage dish had onions and pineapple in it and was so delicious.  It reminded me of my mothers cabbage recipe.  I tried to replicate the recipe with pineapple, a splash of red wine vinegar, and shallots to go with my fried chicken the other evening - it was good but still needs a bit of tweeking.  I'll keep working on that.                                                                                                                                                          

Mom's Creamed Cabbage...

This is how she wrote it on the back of a July 1964 Calendar page:

“put a little lard in kettle – little onion and a little water.  Put in cabbage.  Cook about 20-30 minutes.  Sprinkle 1 spoon flour on and some sugar, a little cream and about 1 small Tbsp. vinegar.”
Love how she wrote out her recipes - just the way she talked :)!

How do you like your cabbage cooked?


  1. That is a keeper ... how she wrote it out. It sounds like how I wrote out my recipes as a young bride. Isn't it neat when you cn imagine the person saying the words as you read them? That is what makes it original and precious.

  2. I have recipes like that from my mum too.
    I like my cabbage cooked with brown sugar for regular cabbage, and with red currant jelly for red cabbage.


I'm OK!

Oh so glad we've passed the solstice! These dark and dreary days have me in a state. I know how thankful I should be for all that I have...