Monday, November 5, 2012

Hurry-Up Monday!

When the phone rings first thing on Monday morning
and the farmer excitedly answers with OHHH-KAYYYY!
you know that today's the day that the
corn harvest is about to begin....
He's been starting to get a wee anxious
as the rain keeps coming and the stalks are 
"starting to go down" - so this is a good day!

Meanwhile, I had my day "off work" planned.
Guess I need to rearrange it to include:
- Take the truck in for a brake job
since the farmer is too busy to do it,
- Make dinner for the harvesters,
Yikes - what shall I make?????
Okay - I have all morning so I'll
bake a cake, thaw some pork sausage and
some frozen corn, peel some potatoes,
bring up a few jars from the fruit cellar -
all before I have to leave for the afternoon!!!
Oh yes - and clean the bathroom and kitchen - eek!

This is the cake my mom often made when she was in a hurray.
It's the perfect cake for today!

2 Eggs – beaten
1 Cup White Sugar
2 Tbsp. butter
1 tsp. vanilla
1 Cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
Last add ½ Cup hot milk
Bake in an 8 X 8 greased pan for 30 minutes at 325 degrees
½ Cup Brown Sugar
3 Tbsp. butter
3 Tbsp. thin cream
1 Tbsp. fine coconut
Spread on hot cake and brown under the broiler

The cake was baking while the first 
loads of corn were being hauled away....

The afternoon was spent waiting for the
truck to be serviced - so.....
I had to go shopping, right?
I had some success at Winners (I don't usually have any
luck there - so that was good)
Went back to pick up the truck only to find out
that the part had not come in and that I had
spent 2 1/2 hours shopping when I could have been
at home working - hmmmm!  (insert smirk)

I guess it was just one of those
Hurry Up and Wait Days!

It's a good feeling to have the farm work
being completed with such a bountiful harvest!
We are so thankful for the way
the Lord continues to bless us. 

Till next time ............ when you need a quick dessert, bake mom's Hurry-Up Cake!


  1. That hurry up cake looks fabulous. So glad things are looking good with the farm work and that the Lord is blessing you!!

  2. Yumm! One of my fav meals! I spent all night saying "hurry-up" to Macie too! haha xoxoBex

  3. I'm intrigued by that cake. It looks yummy!
    You got a lot accomplished and I admire your flexibility!

  4. Everyone needs a good quick cake recipe! Mine is a chocolate cake called Dump Cake, for some reason!

  5. My mom had a recipe like that sure is nice to be reminded of those days, making meals for the harvesting crew...and they worked hard and everyone felt so blessed when the season was over. That,s my favorite season.

  6. Lucky harvesters! Your mom's hurry up cake looks so moist and wonderful...and I must say, I love that there's coconut in the icing :)

  7. Good menu...on the run! My mom always made a cake called Hurry-scurry cake...though it never had a topping like yours. It sounds like a lot got accomplished on your Monday:)


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