Sunday, October 27, 2024

Full and Wonderfull!!

 Almost two months has gone by since posting
and also since reading other posts!
September and October have been full and wonderfull indeed!

The back yard has gone from this:

To this: 

So very many things have transpired.
I write this, dear readers, as a journal for myself as well.
I don't want to forget what a whirlwind it's been.

The pictures on my iPhone help me to remember.
Do you take lots and lots of pictures but don't print any?
I am becoming so aware of this and need to do better.

Two full moons and many, many glorious sunrises have been 
admired these last couple of months...

The annual visit from dear Kentucky friends Debi and Larry started off the month of September properly.
We had a nice "reunion" and time together along with our friends Jan and Dave.
Always a special time ...

We hiked to "Jim's" bench on the G2G trail

Sporting our newly crafted necklaces. Friends forever!

A quick dash to Northern Ontario (8-9 hours North from home)
with close to 50 folks was an informative and historical moment for many!
We travelled to Montreal River, which is about 1 hour North of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario,
to install a historical plaque commemorating the
Conscientious Objectors from our area during WWII, 1941-43
So many family stories and memories shared during this interesting project.
You can read more about it on this link:

The quilt for our church's 75th anniversary was completed
and quilted just in time - whew!

The actual Anniversary weekend was full and so meaningfull
with displays in the church's foyer, a Saturday night Hymn Sing followed by cheesecake dessert,
a special Sunday morning service followed by a potluck FEAST!
It was humbling to be part of this very special event.

Wish you could hear the harmony!!

A bus tour to Lancaster, PA with some friends, came on the heels of the anniversary.
Off we went, me with a good case of laryngitis after all that singing and celebrating,

The weather was picture perfect.
We visited Lancaster's colourful downtown farmer's market,
the replica of a Tabernacle,
Hershey's Chocolate World,
Longwood gardens, and last but not least,
the famous Sight and Sound Theatre to see the spectacular production of Daniel!
My first time to Sight and Sound. Have you been there?

My favourite cookbooks (MGCC) at the tabernacle bookstore!

I soon got my voice back followed by a rough cough.
I guess it's all going around again these days?
Am feeling much better and as I write this am preparing a "better late, than never"
Thanksgiving dinner for my wee family.

Till next time ... enjoy these last full days of October. Stop and savour the aromas of Fall.

My heart is FULL


  1. Loved catching up with you, Rosella. Whew! your time has been full and meaningful. That's fun to see our books on that shelf. Thanks for including that. I'm sure your family enjoyed your it's never to late to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner!!

  2. Your last picture is my favorite, of course! There is nothing like grand hugs, is there?!

    What a lovely couple of months you have had! Too much living to worry with blogging . . . as it should be. Indeed, I DO wish I could have heard the harmony at your church's hymn sing. Hymns . . . and harmony . . . are among my very favorite things! We are only a few hours from Lancaster, so we were almost neighbors for a few days. :) Sorry you were sick in between the good times, but glad that you're feeling better. Never too late to celebrate Thanksgiving!

  3. Thanks for sharing. I like hearing everything!

  4. The celebrations for 75 years of Crosshill MC sounded wonderful. What a lovely quilt to mark the event! I'm happy you enjoyed the trip to Lancaster. Had I known about it, I would have tried to make a connection somewhere during those days. Did you know folks from Steinmann MC also took a trip to Lancaster? It was great fun to connect with them briefly during their trip.


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