Thursday, March 8, 2012

The End of an Era

So many old "century bank barns"
are no longer in use and 
are being dismantled

When I saw two of these lovely old buildings
coming down right in our neighbourhood,
I grabbed the camera to capture some
photos of those amazing exposed

I always feel so small when I stand in
the barn and look up at the rafters
I love the lingering smell of sweet hay,
the streams of dusty sunlight shining 
through the gaps in the barn boards.

It makes me remember how sad my father
felt when our barn was taken down 
many years ago
It was his livelihood and identity as a farmer.
Though he knew it was no longer needed
and that it would be replaced
by new and modern buildings in the future.

It is the end of an era!

Till next time .......... lets remember and appreciate these great old barns!


  1. That is sad to see those buildings taken down. There is something about those old buildings that I love. I'm glad you documented this.

  2. I love the look of old barns...I need to get a shot of a gorgeous round barn near my childhood home before it is gone.

    From what I can gather, gelato has more milk than cream (ice cream has more cream) and gelato has less air b/c of slower churning (which makes it hard to recreate using an ice cream maker).

    Have a great weekend!

  3. I'm with you...sad to see the lovely old barns go! The floors in our house are made from timbers in our century old barn (we took down a portion of it when we built new barns).

  4. I just encountered the same experience this week. Our neighbors barn came down, he recycled the wood to send to the interior to build chicken barns.
    Like you say, the end of an era.


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