Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Signs of Spring

Sure signs of Spring
are when 
you step outside to a frosty sunny 
morning and 
Breath the crisp air deep into your lungs

See a robin hopping on the lane way

 Notice that the 
pussy willows are ready to be snipped!

sight of rhubarb
peeking out it's little red heads!

Rhubarb - week one

And get back to your
Yoga Class routine!

It's all good!

Till next time - enjoy these days of wonder and renewal.......


  1. Oh, how I love pussy willows! And I saw my rhubarb peeking through the soil, too~

  2. Love those early signs of spring!

  3. I too love the first signs of spring. I need to take a walk and find a bouquet of pussy willows:)

  4. I'm waiting to find some signs of spring...I only see snow....and cold and rain.


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