Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"RHUBY TUESDAY'S" Crafting Cement Leaves

A Day in the Sun Shade!

We had so much fun, my sisters and I, making mud pies piles, picking our rhubarb leaves, mixing the cement "batter", patting it onto the leaf "molds", and enjoying this glorious summery May day!

After an afternoon of creating we took a break to enjoy a cup of tea and a piece of Rhubarb Dessert.

Rhubarb Dessert

My sister-in-law Gloria gave me this recipe and it is deeeeelicous!  It appeared in The Country Woman magazine many years ago.  I made a pan of these squares for Mother's Day this year - and there was some leftover to share with my sistas!

Base Layer:
1 Cup butter
¼ Cup sugar
2 Cups flour
Mix and press into 9 x 13 ungreased pan.  Bake @ 350 degrees for 10 min.
2nd  layer:
7 Tbsp. Flour
2 Cups Sugar
3 eggs - beaten
1 Cup whipping cream
5 Cups Rhubarb - chopped
Combine flour & sugar.  Whisk in cream & beaten eggs.  Add rhubarb and pour over base and bake @ 350, 40 – 50 min.
1 Cup whipping cream - whipped
8 oz. cream cheese - softened
½ Cup sugar
½ tsp. vanilla
Whip together and spread on 2nd layer when cool
Chill before serving.

Till next time .............. watch where you put your leaves to cure!  The farmer didn't notice them tucked neatly under the lilac bush when he moved the auger........oops.  No worries - I made 6 more yesterday for the Rhubarb and Rhummage Sale!


  1. No dessert for the farmer after that mishap.;)

  2. Those cement leaves are cool and that dessert looks delicious!

  3. What a neat idea! I'd like to try it with clay and glaze it! I made some lovely strawberry rhubarb pies with rhubarb from your Daughter's garden yesterday. She must get her green thumb from you! :)

    1. Heather - thanks for your comment. That sounds like a great project to use clay. I'd also like to try painting some of the cement leaves and then using a powdered metalic pigment called Pearl Ex - have you ever used that? I think it's available at Michaels.

  4. Oh...so sad about the crushed rhubarb leaves. I made many of those a number of years ago...and gave most of them away as gifts. I have a few left around the garden. I used a reddish 'chalk' to colour the concrete...so mine are somewhat bronze in colour. Your dessert looks so yummy!

    1. Judy - I've never tried to colour the cement - I should do that sometime. I think I started making these about 8 or 9 years ago and have given so many away as gifts as well - still love how each one turns out so different!

  5. looks great! Can you use them as stepping stones, or are they too fragile?

    1. So that's who's been viewing my blog from Angola - grin!! Yes - these can definitely be used as stepping stones - they just need to be made thick enough and also need to "cure" for a few months before stepping on them. I use them as such in my garden! So good to hear from you - hope all is well with you and Norm these days!

  6. I've seen those cement stones before. They are a beautiful memory of sharing life's creative moments. And that rhubarb cake...I'm dropping by to have some coffee with you right now...Is coffee on?

  7. I just made some cement rhubarb leaves and all but one cracked down the center, what did I do wrong?

  8. Oh no! That's so dissappointing. The only thing I can think of is that the cement was layered too thin or dried too quickly? I usually pat on at least 1 1/2 to 2 inches of cement onto the leaves, especially on the middle part of the leaf. Also, it's very important to leave them in the shade and sprinkle them with water daily so they don't dry out too fast - this should be done for 3-4 days. I used to use regular fine gravel cement but of late have used cement that has sand mixed into it for a smoother finish. Be sure to let them cure for a few days before removing the actual leaf. Hope this is helpful!


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