Sunday, October 13, 2013

Beets Galore

What a beautiful day!
The sun shone warm,
the breezes were soft and cool,
and the garden yielded an incredible
harvest of beets and parsnips today.

What to do with them all?
I think I'll take some to the family gathering
tomorrow to see if I can get rid of share some.

Supper tonight was inspired by

I took the liberty of changing up the recipe
a bit by adding beets, sweet potato and squash as well.

The chops were put into the marinade,
popped into the fridge, and
off to the garden we went!

It's been a while since I've tended to things
out there!
The tomato cages needed to be removed,
dead plants pulled and piled,
the last of the lettuce cut,
dill gathered for next year's seeds,
and beets, beets and more beets
along with the last few parsnips pulled.

Striped beets, Yellow beets, and the traditional Red Beets - Yikes!

All in all, the weather could not have been 
nicer and I was so thankful for the farmer's help today.

It was dark and late by the time supper 
went into the oven.

Veggies ready for roasting
Success - the roasted parsnips and beets were especially tasty.

Dinner was yummy but alas, 
it only took 2 large beets ..... hmmm,
I'll definitely have to come up with some more beet recipes!

Happy Thanksgiving All!!!!
and to all my American friends - have a wonderful weekend - your
Thanksgiving Weekend is yet to come.

Till next time ......... looking forward to our family gathering tomorrow to celebrate yet another year of bounty and blessings.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you, my friend....I love your beets...I've been roasting beets all week, and will make another roasted vegetable dish for our Turkey dinner on Monday...I used Kathy's recipe from this weeks post and made my own version...Yummy...and Jamie Oliver is the best....Enjoy!
    (by the way I leave my beets and carrots in the ground, only because we do not get that cold weather till later...and even then it only lasts a few days...they are fresh year round)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, Rosella!!!

  3. What a harvest! Do I see pickled beets in your future? Oh my! The roasted veggies look so delicious!

  4. We have been eating a lot of roasted veggies around here this fall. Your harvest of beets is amazing.....lucky you! We love beets. Your meal looks wonderful! Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Rosella! Your chops look wonderful...and I wish I was close enough to take some of those gorgeous beets off your hands :)

  6. That's a LOT of beets! The meal looks wonderful! Do you have a juicer? One of my favorite combos is beet and apple juice. That would use up lots of beets!


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