Friday, October 4, 2013

Parsnip, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme Bread

My garden has a whole row of parsnips!
They are beautiful and oh so muddy right now
following the recent heavy rains.
We love them roasted, boiled,
and now baked into bread. 

I was intrigued to try this bread
recipe after being inspired by Liz,
one of my favourite foodie bloggers,
That Skinny Chick Can Bake's 
"Twelve Loaves"
challenge to use Root Vegetables
in some sort of bread recipe.
So - here goes .....

Parsnip, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme Bread
Almost sounds like that Simon and Garfunkel song? Parsley could be added as an option I suppose.
2-3 Cups All-Purpose Flour
2 tsp. instant yeast
1 tsp. salt
1 large parsnip - finely grated (measuring approx. 1 cup grated)
2-3 leaves fresh Sage - finely chopped
2-3 sprigs fresh Rosemary - plucked from stems and finely chopped
2-3 sprigs fresh Thyme - slid from stems and finely chopped
1/4 Cup grated Parmesan Cheese
2 Tbsp. lemon juice plus enough boiling water to make 2/3 Cup liquid
4 Fresh Sage leaves dipped in oil

Combine the dry ingredients and add in the parsnip, cheese and herbs - stirring with a fork to separate any clumps of parsnip.  Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and pour in 3/4 of the hot liquid.  Mix to form a sticky dough adding the rest of the liquid if needed.  Knead for 8-10 minutes or until you get a smooth, slightly sticky dough.  Form into a ball, place into a lightly oiled bowl and let rise for 1/2 an hour or until doubled in bulk.  Punch down to squeeze out any air bubbles and form into a nice loaf. Place into a lightly greased loaf pan and let rise for another 1/2 - 3/4 hour.  When nicely rounded, preheat the oven to 360, score the top of the loaf lightly and garnish with oiled sage leaves (if desired).  Bake until golden and crispy on top.  Loaf should sound hollow on the bottom when tapped. Let cool slightly before serving.

Notes - the recipe didn't call for salt and the bread tasted bland.  I've added a tsp. salt to the recipe for next time.

The surprise was the lovely taste of the crispy sage leaves that were baked on top of the bread. Maybe sage "chips" would be worth making too?

Till next time ........ honing my root veggie bread recipes. Liz, I might link up once I perfect one!


  1. I have to admit I've never heard of parsnips in bread, but your bread did look tasty! Guess I need to branch out my recipes and try something new!

  2. I'll bet your kitchen smelled good while the bread baked!

  3. Hmmmm...I do not like parsnips, but I think that I'd enjoy the bread. Thanks for mentioning the salt. So many bread recipes are ruined by the omission of salt (and sugar for that matter.)

  4. Now you have me singing...
    That bread really looks interesting and good. I would have missed the salt, too. Glad you added it to the recipe.

  5. Love the title of this post -- very clever! The bread looks delicious!

  6. Rosella, you've inspired me to bake some bread. (Something I've always steered clear of up until now!) Thanks for the nudge in the right direction. :)

  7. Oh, I'm so glad you are testing the waters with your parsnips! The crispy sage sounds like an amazing touch...yum! Have a lovely week, my friend.

  8. Roots for bread gave me a new idea. Wahoo! Thank you by the by that does look like it would make great toast!

  9. I'm singing along with Ellen:) Love savoury breads.....thanks for this new recipe.

  10. I'm singing too...and yearning for a slice of your bread!

  11. That looks really yummy Rosella. Have you mashed Parsnips with your Potatoes? Also...very tasty.

  12. This looks and smells right through...I love Rosemary in my herb garden and just added it to my favorite scone recipe...I will need to try that bread recipe for Thanksgiving.


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