Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hunting for the Perfect Butter Tart

Over the past few months
the farmer and I have been
taking some little road trips,
turning our wheels North,
onto the "Butter Tart Trail".
Yes, that's right, there is an official
Butter Tart Trail!
click on the above line to find out more.

This day
the weather was typical Fall with
heavy rain, gusty winds, dark skies with brief peeks of blue,
and even a few rays of sunshine.

Our "good sports" friends Barry and Margo
agreed to join us for the hunt.

Wet but pretty country roads in the beautiful Belfountain area

First stop,
a sweet little coffee shop
called Higher Ground
in Belfountain.
This was off the trail but they
had delicious butter tarts,
great coffee and wild turkey
sandwiches so we couldn't 
resist having lunch here!

Tarts = $2.25 each
1/2 = $1.13

We wound our way through
the country roads in the Township of Wellington North
and, between rain drops, dashed into an old order Mennonite owned
country store called Misty Meadows in Conn
where fresh baked butter tarts 
came in 1/2 dozen packages.
Yep, we bought some to take home.

Tarts - $5.50 for 1/2 doz. - a bargain
compared to the other stop?

After a lovely Thai meal at one of our
friend's favourite restaurants 
we headed back to their
condo for tea and tarts.

1/2 a tart was all I could
eat by this point and
it was really delicious.

1/2 tart = .46
now that's better.

Our fun loving friends!

While I fiddled with the camera
on my new phone and snapped
a few more pictures.....

the tarts almost disappeared.

There are many more 
butter tarts on this trail
and more road trips needed to find them....
After all we have to find the perfect one half - right?
What is your favourite butter tart - plain, raisin, pecan, etc.
and how much are you willing to pay for one?
I love them just plain and not too expensive.

Till next time ..... the hunt is on!


  1. I loved this post....that's the kind of road trip I could enjoy and it was wonderful to see your husband. You both look awesome and happy and healthy. I enjoy butter tarts....especially at Christmas.

    1. Oops Marg - that is actually a picture of our friends Barry and Margo - they do look awesome and are such a riot! The farmer is very camera shy - sigh! I've properly labelled the picture now.

  2. This post reminds me of the question I was asked by that radio interviewer out your way. He was all about butter tarts too and asked me if they should have raisins or not and what makes a butter tart perfect.
    I made a recipe that I absolutely loved and I wonder if I posted it. Now I am hungry for butter tarts..

    1. I remember that Lovella - so funny!!! He obviously associated Butter Tarts with Mennonites?

  3. Butter tarts? Never heard of them, but they remind me of Lionel's love of custard tarts on "As Time Goes By." Off to learn more by following your link. Surely you make these! ???

    1. I guess butter tarts are a Canadian or maybe Mennonite thing??? You would like them I'm sure. I have made them but it's fun to try others!

  4. I don't think I've ever had a butter tart...but I might like the pecan one best. I'd like to do that road trip and find out!

  5. Now that's my kind of short road trip. Butter Tart Trail...love it! I love a trip with purpose.

  6. Your post makes me want to go road tripping and hunt for sweet treats! Looked like a really fun day. It is always nice to have good friends along, too.

  7. Who knew there was a butter trail? Sounds like my kind of hike! Butter tarts are an all-Canadian treat. Hmmm....wonder if our friends south of the border know what they are missing out on? I like mine with raisins.

  8. Butter tart trail.....I'd be taking that trail often. I love baking them too but have never been only able to eat 1/2. Maybe 2 or 3:) Those did look bigger than the ones I make so maybe I'd be able to share....just maybe. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

  9. I like pecan butter tarts best although I could be persuaded to eat any other kind:) I like that there is a Butter Tart Trail..I would be on it often and might just meet up with Kathy!

  10. This post makes me miss my mother. She made wonderful butter tarts. I liked them best with walnuts. When she made a large batch and froze some, she'd always note how many were in the freezer so she could tell when my father had made a visit and consumed some on the sly! Can't you just see the twinkle in his eye, Rosella? They were his weakness.

  11. And I keep wondering why they are caled butter tarts when ther is hardly any butter in them. I love pecan . . . actually any kind, but the pastry has to be flaky, right?


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